Gundremmingen interim storage facility
The Gundremmingen interim storage facility is located in Donauried on the right bank of the River Danube near Gundremmingen in the District of Günzburg in Bavaria. The interim storage facility went into operation with the emplacement of the first CASTOR V/52 type cask on 25 August 2006. The licence under the Atomic Energy Act for the storage of nuclear fuels in the Gundremmingen interim storage facility expires 40 years after emplacement of the first cask. BGZ has been responsible for operating the Gundremmingen interim storage facility since 1 January 2019.
The interim storage facility is situated on the Gundremmingen nuclear power plant site and can be reached via the existing access road to the nuclear power plant This means that CASTOR casks only need to be moved a short distance from the reactor building to the interim storage facility and that no public roads need to be used. The storage building is 104 metres long, 38 metres wide and 18 metres high and provides spaces for a maximum of 192 casks of high-level radioactive waste from the nuclear power plant. It is planned to emplace a total of 176 transport and storage containers in the interim storage facility.
Gundremmingen interim storage facility
Dr.-August-Weckesser-Straße 2
89355 Gundremmingen
Operator: BGZ Gesellschaft für Zwischenlagerung mbH
Cask spaces: 192 licensed | 137 occupied*
Current occupancy: 137 CASTOR V/52
Application: 2000
License: 2003
Commissioning: 2006
Licensed until: 2046
Licensed inventory: Maximum 1.850 t SM** | Maximum 6,0 MW***
* On 31 December 2024
** t SM = Tonnes of heavy metal
*** MW = Total thermal power in megawatts