Overview of the BGZ interim storage facilities

Ahaus Interim Storage Facility (BZA)

Cask spaces: 420 approved (At the Ahaus interim storage facility each authorized storing position can hold one large cask (Castor 5V/19 or 5/52) or several smaller cask types (MTR 2 or THTR).)
Current occupancy: 3 CASTOR V/19 | 3 CASTOR V/52 | 18 CASTOR MTR 2 | 305 CASTOR THTR
Commissioning: 1992
Licensed until: 2036

On 24 November 2021.

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Biblis interim storage facility (BZB)

Cask spaces: 135 approved | 108 occupied
Current occupancy: 102 CASTOR V/19 | 6 CASTOR HAW28M | 138 MOSAIK
Application: 1999
License: 2003
Commissioning: 2006
Licensed until: 2046
Licensed inventory: Maximum 1.400 tHM | Maximum 5,3 MW

Interim storage facility for low-level and intermediate-level waste Biblis 1 (AZB 1)

Commissioned: 1982
Licensing / Supervisory authority: Ministry for the Environment, Energy, Agriculture and Consumer Protection Hesse
Facility’s external dimensions: 65 m x 38 m x 6 m
Licensed storage volume: max. 2.100 m³

Interim storage facility for low-level and intermediate-level waste Biblis 2 (AZB 2)

Commissioned: 2018
Licensing / Supervisory authority: Ministry for the Environment, Energy, Agriculture and Consumer Protection Hesse
Facility’s external dimensions: 109 m x 28 m x 17 m
Licensed storage volume: max. 8.000 m³

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Brokdorf interim storage facility (BZF)

Cask spaces: 100 licensed | 61 occupied
Current occupancy: 61 CASTOR V/19
Application: 1999
License: 2003
Commissioning: 2007
Licensed until: 2047
Licensed inventory: Maximum 1.000 t SM** | Maximum 3,4 MW**

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Pursuant to the Waste Management Transfer Act, the previous operators of interim storage facilities holding a licence pursuant to §6 of the Atomic Energy Act had to submit their licence to the BGZ by 1 January 2019, free of charge.

On 1 January 2019, the Brunsbüttel interim storage facility did not possess a licence pursuant to §6 of the Atomic Energy Act. Instead of transferring the interim storage facility to the BGZ within the meaning of the Waste Management Transfer Act by 1 January 2019 (which could not take place in this case), the Waste Management Transfer Act provided for the BGZ’s accession to the licensing procedure conducted by the operator of the Brunsbüttel interim storage facility.

Pursuant to this requirement, the BGZ acceded the licensing procedure, with the statutory proviso that the current operator of the Brunsbüttel interim storage facility will remain responsible for managing the licencing procedure until the storage approval is issued.

The applicant and operator of the Brunsbüttel interim storage facility (Kernkraftwerk Brunsbüttel GmbH & Co. oHG) will therefore continue to conduct proceedings. In acceding the licencing procedure, the BGZ, in accordance with its legislative mandate, will ensure that all safety-related requirements are fulfilled within the framework of the subsequent operational management after the licence has been granted.

Brunsbüttel Interim Waste Storage Centre (AZT)

Commissioning: 2024
Authorising/supervisory authority: Ministry for Energy Transition, Climate Protection, Environment and Nature (MEKUN)
External dimensions of the storage facility: 116 m x 46 m x 22 m

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Gorleben interim storage facility (BZG);
Gorleben waste storage facility (AZG)

Cask spaces: 420 approved | 113 occupied
Current occupancy: 3 CASTOR V/19 | 1 CASTOR lc | 1 CASTOR lla | 74 CASTOR HAW 20/28 CG | 21 CASTOR HAW28M | 12 TN 85 | 1 TS 28 V
Commissioning: 1995
Licensed until: 2034

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Grafenrheinfeld interim storage facility (BZR)

Cask spaces: 88 approved | 54 occupied
Current occupancy: 54 CASTOR V/19
Application: 2000
License: 2003
Commissioning: 2006
Licensed until: 2046
Licensed inventory: Maximum 800 tHM | Maximum 3 MW

Interim storage facility for low-level and intermediate-level waste Grafenrheinfeld (AZR)

Commissioned: 2021
Licensing / Supervisory authority: Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt (LfU)
Facility’s external dimensions: 28m x 101m x 17m

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Grohnde interim storage facility (BZD)

Cask spaces: 100 approved | 68 occupied
Current occupancy: 68 CASTOR V/19
Application: 1999

License: 2002
Commissioning: 2006
Licensed until: 2046
Licensed inventory: Maximum 1.000 tHM | Maximum 3,75 MW

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Gundremmingen interim storage facility (BZM)

Cask spaces: 192 approved | 137 occupied
Current occupancy: 137 CASTOR V/52
Application: 2000
License: 2003
Commissioning: 2006
Licensed until: 2046
Licensed inventory: Maximum 1.850 tHM | Maximum 6,0 MW

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Isar interim storage facility (BZI)

Cask spaces: 152 approved | 88 occupied
Current occupancy: 26 CASTOR V/19 | 43 CASTOR V/52 | 19 TN 24 E
Application: 2000
License: 2003
Commissioning: 2007
Licensed until: 2047
Licensed inventory: Maximum 1.500 tHM | Maximum 6 MW

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Krümmel interim storage facility (BZK)

Cask spaces: 65 approved | 42 occupied
Current occupancy: 42 CASTOR V/52
Application: 1999
License: 2003
Commissioning: 2006
Licensed until: 2046
Licensed inventory: Maximum 775 tHM | Maximum 3 MW

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Lingen interim storage facility (BZL)

Cask spaces: 125 approved | 47 occupied
Current occupancy: 47 CASTOR V/19
Application: 1998
License: 2002
Commissioning: 2002
Licensed until: 2042
Licensed inventory: Maximum 1.250 tHM | Maximum 4,7 MW

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Neckarwestheim interim storage facility (BZN)

Cask spaces: 151 approved | 99 occupied
Current occupancy: 70 CASTOR V/19 | 14 TN 24 E | 15 CASTOR 440/84 mvK
Application: 1999
License: 2003
Commissioning: 2006
Licensed until: 2046
Licensed inventory: Maximum 1.600 tHM | Maximum 3,5 MW

Interim storage facility for low-level and intermediate-level waste Neckarwestheim (AZN)

Commissioned: 2022
Licensing / Supervisory authority: Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector, Baden-Württemberg
Facility’s external dimensions: 133 m x 30 m x 21 m

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Obrigheim: Interim storage facility for low-level and intermediate-level waste (AZO)

Commissioned: 2008
Licensing / Supervisory authority: Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector, Baden-Württemberg
Facility’s external dimensions: 57 m x 28 m x 8 m
Licensed storage volume: max. 3.600 m³

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Philippsburg interim storage facility (BZP)

Cask spaces: 152 approved | 106 occupied
Current occupancy: 73 CASTOR V/19 | 29 CASTOR V/52 | 4 CASTOR HAW28M
Application: 1999
License: 2003
Commissioning: 2007
Licensed until: 2047
Licensed inventory: Maximum 1.600 tHM | Maximum 6 MW

Interim storage facility for low-level and intermediate-level waste Philippsburg (AZP)

Commissioned: 2020
Licensing / Supervisory authority: Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector, Baden-Württemberg
Facility’s external dimensions: 145 m x 30 m x 21 m

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Stade: Interim storage facility for low-level and intermediate-level waste (AZS)

Commissioned: 2007
Licensing / Supervisory authority: Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Protection, Lower Saxony
Facility’s external dimensions: 66 m x 25 m x 13 m
Licensed storage volume: max. 5.000 m³

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Unterweser interim storage facility (BZU)

Cask spaces: 80 approved | 40 occupied
Current occupancy: 40 CASTOR V/19
Application: 1999
License: 2003
Commissioning: 2007
Licensed until: 2047
Licensed inventory: Maximum 800 tHM | Maximum 3 MW

Interim storage facility for low-level and intermediate-level waste (AZU 1)

Commissioned: 1981
Licensing / Supervisory authority: Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Protection, Lower Saxony
Facility’s external dimensions: 71 m x 29 m x 8 m
Licensed storage volume: max. 2.600 m³

Interim storage facility for low-level and intermediate-level waste (AZU 2)

Commissioned: 2020
Licensing / Supervisory authority: Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Protection, Lower Saxony
Facility’s external dimensions: 79 m x 28 m x 17 m
Licensed storage volume: max. 5.000 m³

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Würgassen: Interim storage facility for low-level and intermediate-level waste (AZW)

Commissioned: 2007
Licensing / Supervisory authority: District Government City of Detmold
Facility’s external dimensions: 40 m x 21 m x 10 m
Licensed storage volume: max. 3.000 m³

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